Nice to meet you

this is our story:

Hello, my name is Benoît. I'm a proud Auvergne native with a passion for sport and well-being.

It was after a long confinement, rich in reflection, that the idea of Veegreen saw the light of day at the end of 2020.

During this period, I realized how complicated it was to find quality white sage and palo santo to purify my home.

What's more, these two complementary elements were rarely offered together, forcing me to buy from different suppliers, with quality often not up to scratch.

Our Solution ...

Faced with this situation, I have decided to launch in 2021 a box containing three sage sticks and four palo santo sticks in partnership with reliable and trustworthy suppliers.

The set quickly became a best-seller, and we were able to expand our range to include wellness products.

What about today?

Today, Veegreen offers an enriched range of wellness products, divided into two main categories: purifying incense and mate.

We are mainly distributed via the internet and in around a hundred stores across Europe.

Our aim is to continue to expand our range of general well-being products, so that the adage "a healthy mind in a healthy body" takes on its full meaning.